Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kindness Angels

I'd recently pinned an idea for 'Kindness Elves' here:

I have never done the 'Elf on the Shelf' and quite honestly, I didn't want to, even before reading that ^^ blog post, but for the same reasons as she posted about. Why would I want my kids to get so excited about a little friend who does such mischievous things? Things that they would most likely get in trouble for doing themselves! No thanks!
I love the idea of kindness elves, but would instead like to do 'Kindness Angels'. I've been searching Etsy for a few days, and think I've found the perfect little angels to use. 
Found here:
I haven't ordered them yet, but plan to soon. They are pretty adorable!! I probably won't have time to do much (if anything) with them this season, but should be in full swing next December! 
In my 'super mom' fantasies, I'd order one of these for each of the four seasons and have my little girls do a random kindness every day! Though realistically, I'm sure the novelty would wear off after a few months! But maybe I could make it work. 
I'll be sure to post our Kindness Angels once we get them!

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