Saturday, December 7, 2013

Homemade Pizza Pockets

I love easy meals... And cheap meals ;). I really love it if my little girls actually want to eat a meal. 

All three? I'm in cooking heaven!!

I'd posted before (Big Pigs in Bigger Blankets) about my growing love for frozen bread dough.  I told you that I'd be making more with it! And I have! 

Of course you can figure out all of the possibilities yourselves, but why not give you some ideas as a jumping off point?! 

This time we went for pizza wraps. 

Start with a loaf of frozen bread dough

Cut it into 8 pieces and roll each piece fairly thin. Make sure to flour your surface and rolling pin, and make the dough thin. (just a little thicker than the Big Pigs post linked above)

Have 1lb of ground beef browned. Mix it with just enough pizza sauce to coat it. You don't want it swimming in sauce or your bread will never cook through.  If you like lots if sauce, use it as dip for your wrap! 

Put a scoop (1/4 cup or so) on your rolled dough. Lay a few pepperoni slices on top, then sprinkle with cheese. Close it by folding the sides up and pinching it together on top. 

Brush with melted butter and sprinkle garlic salt on top. 

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes!

The girls loved them! They even asked for more and told me that they'd like me to make them again soon!

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